1. 1ClickCoverage 2011
4. 3F SECURITY 2020
7. 4Sight Advisors 2016
8. 7peaks Global 2014
9. 8VC 2015
10. 24hassistance 2004
11. 24PetWatch 2003
13. 123 Money 2000
14. 400F 2017
15. 500 Startups 2010
19. A'Z Angels 2018
23. Abacus Life 2004
26. AB Group 2005
27. ABM Funding 2008
29. Academic Group 1990
30. Accel 0
31. Access Health CT 2012
36. ACIO
37. ACS 1817
40. ActiveQuote 2008
44. Advise Insurance 2018
45. Adviser Connect 2001
47. Advisor Ink 2017
52. Aegon 1983
53. AEON LIFE 2009
56. AFG Brokerage 2008
59. Afrissur 2019
60. AfyaKit 2018
61. Ageas 1824
62. Ageas Seguros 2016
63. Agency Equity 2010
64. AgencyONE 2009
65. AgenT 2018
67. AgeSA 2007
68. AG Insurance 1824
69. Agora Broker 2014
71. AIA Group 1919
73. AIL Midwest 2006
75. AInsurCo 2018
78. Aksio 2016
82. Alana HealthCare 2009
85. Alerion Ventures 2014
88. ALIR 2016
95. Allianz 1890
100. Allianz PNB Life 2001
101. Allianz Russia 1990
104. Almaworks 2014
105. Alnic 1996
106. Alpcot 2014
108. ALSKOM 1996
109. Alsurance 2012
113. Alumni Ventures 2014
114. Amana Takaful Life 2014
121. AmerUs Group 1994
122. Ametros 2010
123. AMJ Stocks 2000
124. AmMetLife 2014
126. Ams Osiguranje 1998
130. Anderzorg
131. Andsafe 2019
133. AngelList Talent 2010
137. Ant Group 1
139. Antworks Money 2012
141. Aon plc 1979
145. AP Pension 1919
147. April Medibroker 1998
149. Aquarian Holdings 2017
153. arqu 2020
154. Arrien Investments 1997
155. Ascension Ventures 2001
159. Aspen Life 2016
162. Asset Retention 1998
163. Assicura Agenzia 2013
165. AssureLife 2013
167. Assur Travel 2004
168. Astiva Health 2019
169. Asuransi Jasindo 1973
175. Atlantic Labs 2008
177. Atlas General 2009
179. Attooh 2009
182. AultCare 1985
186. AutoMotoCompare 2010
187. AVOCADO BOX 2018
194. Axle Asia 2008
196. AzKELLY 2006
197. B & K Consulting 2008
200. BAHN-BKK 1996
201. Bajaj Allianz 2001
204. BALTA
205. BankerBhai 2013
210. Basildon Financial 2007
211. Bauman Financial 2015
212. Bci Seguros 2012
214. Bee Alpha 1996
215. BEENEXT 0
216. Beijing Shougang 1999
217. BENAdvance 2013
218. Benefit Analyst 2010
220. Benekiva 2018
221. Benepath 2008
222. Bequest 2019
224. BerkleyNet 2006
226. Be Sight 2016
229. Best Agency 1994
232. Best Life Rates 2016
233. Bestow 2016
237. BICE VIDA 1993
238. Bicycle Health 2017
239. Big Life Financial 2010
243. Bitmarck Technik 1994
244. BK-JET Group 2016
245. Black Bear Life 2018
249. BlackSoil 2010
250. Blackstone Group 1985
253. Bliwa
255. BlueInc Group 2004
257. Bluestone Life 2015
263. Boomers 2009
266. Bowman Bookkeeping 2001
267. BoxGroup 2009
270. BrainGear 2015
273. Braveport 2011
274. Bravura Solutions 2004
276. Bremke Insurance 2012
278. Bridgepoint 1984
279. Bright Advice 2000
285. Broad Minded 2002
287. Brokers Central 2009
288. Brokers Edge 2002
289. Brokoli 2017
292. Brotherlife 1996
298. Budget Direct 2000
299. Bulstrad Life 1994
300. Bupa Arabia 1997
301. Bupa Global 1947
305. Caber Partners 2015
306. Caitlin John 2010
307. Caixa Seguridade 2015
308. CALI Europe 1998
309. Calreg 2006
312. Candid 2017
316. Capitol Benefits 2007
317. Caponi Financial 2018
318. Capstone Brokerage 1997
323. Case Experts 2004
324. cash.life 1999
326. Castle Benefits 1996
328. Catamaran 2010
330. Cattolica Life DAC 1998
332. CBS Brokerage 2007
338. CHAC 2011
339. Chad Jones Law 1999
341. CharityBee 2018
343. Chase Templeton 2002
347. ChooseWell 2010
348. CHP Legal Limited 2010
351. CIB 1998
352. Cimpi 2020
353. Cinco Capital 2000
357. ClaimCheck 2007
361. CLB 1981
363. Clear Health 2020
364. Clear Planning 2017
366. Clickmare.com 2016
368. Clinia 2016
370. CMFG Ventures 2016
372. CNP Vita 2004
374. Cofounders Capital 2015
376. Collective Health 2013
380. Commerce Ventures 2012
386. Confie 2008
388. Connecture 1999
393. Conversion Capital 2012
394. Cookpad Japan 1997
397. Core Life Planning 2010
398. Coreprime 2013
399. Cornell Capital 2013
402. Corporate Life 2005
403. CORUM Butler 2017
404. Countrywide Advice 2017
406. Covectra 2008
407. Covenant Health 1996
409. CoverageNow 2018
411. CoverEase 2021
412. Coverfox Insurance 2013
417. Creandum 2003
421. Crefinet 2006
422. Crosslink Capital 1989
423. Crowe & Associates 2006
425. CrummeyService 2007
426. CS Healthcare 1929
427. CTL Investments 2012
431. Cumerius 2003
435. Cypress Strategies 2000
438. Dalian Shide Group 1995
440. Dane Street 2008
441. Danica Pensjon 1997
442. Dar Al Takaful 2008
444. Dashang Group 1992
449. Dayforward 2019
459. deVere Acuma 2013
460. Devon Wealth 2014
461. De Vries
462. Dhivehi Insurance 2016
464. Dias Wealth 2019
465. DIBroker 2000
466. Die Mobiliar 1826
467. DigitalBGA 2016
468. Digital Magics 18
474. DKV Belgium 1964
476. DMK Advisor Group 1993
477. docOPD 2016
480. DONAU 1867
482. Drew Capital Group 2013
483. DrGroup 2013
485. Dynamis Software 2012
488. Eager-1 Marketing 1993
490. EBS 1935
492. Edinburgh IFA 2017
494. eFinancial
496. eHealth 1997
499. Elderswealth 2018
500. Elevar Equity 2008
501. elipsLife 2008
502. Elite Ambulance 2012
505. EM-Power Services 1996
506. EMLife 2016
507. Emmanuel Insurance 2006
511. emportal.ru 2012
513. Endeavor Plus 2015
515. Eno 1859
517. Ensuprecio 2014
518. EnterMedicare 2018
524. EQ One 1999
525. Equance 2005
527. Equivida 1994
528. ERS Life 2013
530. Ethos 2016
531. Eurazeo 0
532. Eureka 1908
533. Euro Accident 1996
544. EYG Group Benefits 1991
545. EZZE Seguros 2019
561. Fazzdoc.com 2019
562. Fbn Insurance 2010
563. FBTO 1956
564. FEA 2009
567. Fibertec 1987
568. Fi Life 2018
577. Finansemble 2012
583. Fitrama 1996
585. Flexible Benefit 1988
589. Flourish Ventures 2019
591. FOCUS 10 LIFE 2001
594. Folksam 1908
595. FONASA 1979
596. Fondo Huruma 2019
598. Forces Mutual 2016
600. Fortaleza Seguros 2016
604. Founders Factory 2015
606. Francisco Partners 1999
607. FrCourtage 2006
610. Freedom Life 2013
611. Freedom to Insure 2006
612. Frende Forsikring 2007
613. Friendly 2019
617. Funde Sino Life 2002
618. Furnley House 2013
621. FuturePlay
622. Futur Pension 1999
624. FWD Hong Kong 2013
628. GA Brokers 2018
629. Gaingels 0
631. Garanta Asigurari 1997
632. Gateway Retirement 2004
634. GAWA Capital 2010
637. General & Medical 1980
639. General de Seguros 1972
642. Generali Romania 1993
644. Genivity 2016
645. gettgo 2017
648. Glauben Seguros 2010
651. Global Atlantic 2004
655. Global Seguros 1998
657. GoBear 2014
660. Goheen Companies 2015
661. Golconda Partners 2019
664. Goldman Sachs 0
666. GoMedigap 2005
669. Goodpatch 1
671. Goodwin
673. Gravystack 2020
679. Greycroft 0
682. Grisbee 2016
685. Groupe Premium 2000
686. Groupe Rodin 2014
688. Grupo Profuturo 1996
692. Guardian Resources 2011
694. GU Health 2006
700. H.I.G. Capital 1993
701. Habersham Funding 2001
705. Hale & Associates 2007
707. Halyk Life 2005
708. Hambone Award 1982
710. Hamilton Lane 1991
711. Hancock Brokerage 1996
712. Hanfincal 2021
713. Hannover Re 1
714. Hansemerkur 1875
715. Harmonee 2020
719. Haven Life 2014
721. HCS Capital 2016
722. HD Assurances 1976
723. H D Consultants 1993
724. HDFC Sales 2004
726. HDI Assicurazioni 2002
728. Health Alliance 1980
730. HealthCompare 2009
733. Health Hero 2017
738. HealthSherpa 2013
740. Healthy Virtuoso 2017
741. HEI Global Health 2005
742. HEIRMARK 2007
743. Heister Insurance 1901
752. Highline Beta 2016
753. Highmark Health 1996
754. Hi Seguro 2020
755. Hi There 2016
760. Hoken No. 110 2006
761. Hoken window group 1995
763. HollandStivers 2000
764. Holtheuer Group 2019
765. Home Loan Shop 1999
770. HPE Growth 2010
771. HPSO 1977
773. HRMP 1990
778. Hustle Fund 1
780. iBanding 2015
782. iCatdog.com 2012
783. Icatu Seguros 1991
784. ICEA LION Group 1895
788. Ideal Concepts 2005
790. IEI Brokers 1996
791. iHealthBrokers 2004
792. IIFL Finance 1
793. IiSi 2009
801. INgin-IS 2009
802. Ingwe Life 2012
803. Inmobiliaria Aitue 1996
807. Inside Response 2011
808. insights Japan 2010
812. Insurance4Dallas 2002
813. Insurance Agencies 1988
818. InsuranceDrip 2015
821. Insuranceline 1999
822. Insurance Pandit 2006
826. insurando 2019
827. Insuranks.com 2019
828. Insurax 2013
829. Insurengine 2015
830. Integrity Life 2019
838. IntoBenefits 2008
839. Intrua Financial 2015
840. InvAscent
841. Inveready 2008
842. investorocean 2021
846. Isai 1
847. iSalud.com 2010
848. ISC Services 2005
850. isure insurance 2006
852. ITM TwentyFirst 1998
853. ITSG 1996
854. J&G Conseil 2012
855. J.S.Day Financial 2014
856. J. Safra Sarasin 1841
857. Jackson Kennedy 2014
860. JA Counter 1976
861. Jagain 2017
864. JD.com 1998
866. Jenkins Wealth 2002
867. Jenny Life 2018
869. Jigsaw Healthcare 1981
870. Jiuyuan Yinhai 2008
871. JMA Syariah 2014
874. JPB & Associates 2016
877. Just
878. Juxtapose 2015
879. K2VC
880. Kaass Law 2011
881. Kalaari Capital 2011
886. Kaspian Group 2001
887. KBV 2004
889. Kelly Klee 2014
890. Kemper Health 1956
893. Ketcham Capital 2006
894. K Fund 2016
895. Khazanah Nasional 1993
896. Khi Solutions 2006
897. Kindlustusest 2000
900. Klare 2019
904. Knightstone 2006
907. Kresna Insurance 1956
909. Kupiec Investment 2005
912. KVpro 2001
915. Ladder 2020
917. Lanai Partners 14
918. Landes Insurance 2012
919. Landmark Life 1964
924. La Protectora 1981
927. Lead Heroes 2015
929. LeapLife 2016
931. Legacy Agent 2011
934. Legacy Full Circle 2008
937. Legado 2018
938. Legal Acess Plan 1971
939. Legaspi Associates 1998
940. Legend Capital 2001
941. Lehrman Group 1988
942. Leiba & Associates 2012
943. Lemonade Reward 2014
944. Lexem 2019
945. Leyue Health 2014
946. Liberty Bankers 1907
949. Liberty Seguros 2012
950. Lidix 2017
951. Liechtenstein Life 2008
953. Life4Diabetes 2011
955. Life Benefits 2002
957. LifeCore 2004
958. Lifecycle Wealth 2003
959. Lifefy 2017
960. LifeGuide
968. Lifeley Insurance 2018
970. Lifeplaza Partners 2003
971. Lifepolly 2020
973. Life Solutions 2004
974. LifeSource Direct 2009
976. Lifester 2016
978. LIFULL FinTech 2015
982. Lincoln Wealth 2008
984. Links Consulting 2005
986. LinXea 2001
988. LiSA 2018
989. Livingbridge 1995
990. LIVLIFE Insurance 2014
993. Long Arc Capital 2016
994. Longevity Alliance 1997
1000. LR WINDSOR 2003
1001. LSA Courtage 1970
1002. LTC Shop 1999
1003. Ludlow Ventures 1
1007. Lyda Financial 2008
1012. Madena 2011
1013. Madison Brokerage 2006