1. (ISC)2
6. 4ME4WE
11. 51 Give
20. ACTION 2003
24. Activy
25. Ad.IQ
27. Addweup
29. Adlibrium
32. AdviceUK
33. Adviza
40. Agora 1
48. Allies
51. Altawerk
52. Altruist
53. Alvarum
64. Ami 2021
70. Annertech
75. apjam ltd
78. appLOUD
79. Arconyx
81. ArKaos
83. Arnolfini
90. Ashden
92. Asphaleia
95. Ataxia
96. ATG Media
97. atlasGO
99. Auggie Apparel 2015
100. Auriga 1
103. AuthorAID
104. Auto22
106. AVERT 1986
107. Axisweb
109. B:Music
111. Baby K'tan
117. BancaStato
122. Bay Tel
123. BBbundle
127. Bean 2016
130. Beauteeze.com 2012
132. BeautyKind
133. bedmap
134. Beercoin
135. Ben 2019
136. Benefunder
137. Benevity 2008
140. BFBS
143. Bidfella
144. BidKind
145. Bidsvilla
148. Biidly
151. BitRussia
166. Bountify
188. Budge
189. BuffBoxx 2015
193. BunchBite
202. BYOTA
203. C2 Cyber 2015
205. cab:app
206. Cadooz
222. Caraline
227. Cardpool
229. Careflight
231. Care Net
239. Catamoeda
247. Celldonate
251. CentUp
252. Centurions
253. Cerebos
254. Cerebra 1
258. CH&Co
261. Charicare
262. Charify
263. Charitime
264. charitubl
270. Charity Bank 1
271. CharityBee 2018
274. CharityClear 2010
278. CharityDEN
280. Charity Dynamics 2004
281. Charity Engine 2008
307. Chasing The Stigma 2013
308. Chatalyze
309. Chatraise 2017
313. Chennaimoms 2008
322. CHRI Radio
323. Christmas FM 2008
324. Chronopay
326. Cirqle
336. CNIB
337. Coaloo LP
340. CoCre.org
342. Coindrum
343. CoinText
344. Coin Up
345. Colony 47
349. Comm-Tech
360. Conquer
362. Convey Law
364. CoopSys
365. Core Arts
369. Craft Studio 2010
370. Cranstoun
374. Cryptograph 2018
376. Cucchiavio
380. CurveBlock 31
382. D&AD
390. Dataro 1
392. DBL LLC
393. DDRC
396. Defglis
398. Demos, UK
404. Design Museum 1989
410. Diginow
414. digthevibe
417. Divided
418. Divvi
419. DJS Events
423. DonateStock 1
428. DonorSee
430. Dreamabull
431. Dream Fish
432. Drinkaware
433. Drops
435. Duccats
437. DXBPay
438. Dympol
441. Earth Hour
443. easy2care
445. Eclector
446. Ecomodo
449. Edeems
451. Eden Brown
456. eduTecher
457. eGood
459. Ekacia
461. elefunds
466. Embrella
467. Emcee
469. Ennouns
471. EPPC
473. Equalife
474. eQuilter
475. ERP Cloud
477. eSolidar
480. Ethis
483. Evershare.io 2017
484. Everybody
486. Everyclick
491. ExpectCare
492. Extra Life
494. Fabrica
495. Fabrily
499. Fairfood
505. FanBasis
506. FanSnap
507. Fantube.me
508. FanVestor
514. Fealq
515. felloh
517. Few&Far
520. Figure NZ
521. Findacure
524. FIRST 1989
528. FIT 1999
529. fitRaise
532. Flitto 1
533. Flogiving
544. Fooi
562. Fundzzle
566. FUTT
570. Galoo
573. GameCrush
578. Gankstars
579. Gated
583. Generous
586. GeoPalz
587. Gesture
588. Gift2Help
589. Giftback
590. Giftloop
592. Giggzo
593. GigMaven
594. GigSesh
595. Giva
596. Givdo
597. Give2Asia
598. give365
599. Giveacar
603. Givergy
604. Giverly
605. giverr
606. GiverThree
607. GiveSmart
608. Givetastic
609. GiveTide
610. Givey
611. Givfluence
612. Giving.sg
614. givmo
615. Givo
616. GIVT. cz
617. GivTree
618. Glam-it!
619. Glamcom
624. GodEl
625. Gogetsale
626. Go Good
627. goimagine
628. Go Inspire
629. Gold Cures
633. Golfslope
638. Good2Give
639. GoodLabs
641. GoodMoov
642. Goodnet
643. Goodpin
645. Goodshop
647. Good Thnx
648. GoRaise
650. Goshen Health 1901
652. GPal
661. GroupRite
664. Guidance8
666. GWD
667. HADI
668. HAI Global
673. Happi
674. HapsMap
677. HAVE
680. HBCS
699. HomeCare+
701. Home Group
705. Honour Box
711. HS Trust
712. HTP 1996
714. HubSwot
715. Hucksley
719. Humble Pen
721. HUZO
722. HYCM
723. i2O
724. Iamcompany
728. IDA 2019
729. IE Design
730. IE Digital
731. IGD
732. IhiveLive
733. iMMAP
737. Incahoot
738. Incitement
742. Indspire
744. INFiN
745. Infoodle
746. InList
749. InnTouch
754. Instead
762. Into Film
765. InYoga
767. ISPCC
768. It's By U
774. IThanks
775. Itineris
776. ITS Group
777. ItWatch
778. iugo
779. iwealth
790. Jmb
791. JobRunners
792. JockTalk
796. Jong Rabo
797. Joodly.com
801. Ju-mo
805. Jungl
807. Jusoor 2018
809. JustGiving
810. JVN
821. Key4Life 2012
823. Kid&Shirt
824. KidScholly
827. Kilter
828. Kind Buds
829. KindLink
833. KKJZ
834. Kkoomdam
835. KNEKT®
837. KogoPAY 2018
843. Landour
846. LATF
848. Lawpolis
850. Lazy Angel
852. Leaf
854. Ledge 1
860. Letter
863. LIFEbeat
870. LilyDrive
871. Limbcare
879. Liven
882. LocalUGo
887. LOROS
889. Love Cocoa
890. LSTN
896. MAD Token
898. Magic Me
902. Mainpeople
912. Matheson
917. MBME
921. MeBeGood
922. Medact
925. Medstro
926. Meet
927. Meetlete
930. Mercify
945. Millipedia
952. mobilorama
953. MOIRA
954. MonExTel
956. Montfort 2014
958. Moorcroft
964. Mrked
974. MyNeighbor
977. Nana Music
995. NCT Charity 1956
999. Neqtr
1001. NeuroSpring 2005
1003. Newseum
1006. NIACE
1009. Norwood
1014. NumFOCUS
1016. Occam DM
1021. Onde Alte
1025. Only Connect
1026. Oogst
1030. Orb Group
1036. Oronjo
1040. Owen Toyota
1043. OzHarvest
1045. Pace4Life
1046. Paignton Zoo
1048. PAKT
1050. PaperKarma
1055. Parlay
1057. Passionistas
1059. PayGyft
1060. Paysabil
1067. Peoplegogo 2017
1068. Peppy Group
1070. PetSimply
1072. Phone2Action 2012
1073. Phone Cycle
1074. PhonepayPlus
1076. Pinnacle 1
1079. pixbypix
1082. Plan UK
1083. Plate Share
1086. PlayMob
1087. Pledgehammer
1091. PocketChange
1092. POINT
1093. Possible
1095. Postr
1097. Power2
1098. Power 106
1099. Powershop
1102. Present
1103. Pricevibe
1106. PrintEco
1109. ProCon
1112. Project Humanity 1997
1115. Publiq
1117. Pure Charity
1119. PXtech
1120. Qmee
1121. Qoin
1123. Quantum CX
1124. Raffstar
1125. Rafful
1128. RallyUp
1130. Re-InVintage
1133. Recoup
1137. RedR
1138. redxam
1140. Relate
1145. Represent
1149. Rethaka
1154. Ribon 5
1155. Rich Mix
1156. Ride On
1158. RISA
1159. Risus Wholesale 2009
1161. RNIB
1162. ROBE Looks
1171. Rotunda 1
1172. Rovrr
1181. Rumblesum
1182. Rusini
1186. Safeserve
1189. Saint Rocke
1192. SA Law
1193. Salemhaven
1196. Sandown Park
1199. SaskTel
1200. Saving Faces
1204. SCL Health
1205. ScoopCity
1207. sean wiggins
1209. Sea Smart
1212. Selby Trust
1214. Sellpy
1218. Shareity
1222. ShieldEffect
1225. Shopiago
1231. Simple2Give
1234. Skillballer
1237. SKYBIT
1238. SkyBlue
1239. Sleio
1243. SMS Poll
1244. SM Vint
1245. Smylee
1246. SNJDC
1247. Snoball
1248. So-B
1254. Social Miami
1255. Social ReHub
1256. SocialVest
1257. SocialWorks
1258. SocialYell
1259. Sociercise 2011
1262. SocInteract
1263. Soft Funding
1264. Soha.vn
1267. SongHero
1272. Sow Asia
1273. Sozo Gifts
1274. Spark+Mettle
1279. Spekter
1280. Spiral 1
1281. Sponduly
1285. Squidoo
1286. S Software
1295. StageText
1305. Streeva 2015
1309. Students for AI 16
1310. StudyBetter
1311. Stupid Cancer 2007
1312. StyleCast
1315. Sunday 2018
1321. Sweatcoin 1905
1325. SwipeGood
1326. Swipr
1330. TableTop
1332. TADWA
1333. TagWorld
1335. Take This 2012
1336. Tanea
1337. TangaReef
1341. Teach First
1344. Techfortrade
1345. Tech Matters
1346. Tech Trust
1348. Tekeez
1349. Teledialog
1351. ThanksToYou
1358. The Art Fund 1903
1374. The Elvetham
1399. The Rand Group 38353
1416. The Woodland Trust 1972
1420. Thinkmojo
1421. Thriftify
1422. ThrillOut AS
1427. Ticketpass
1428. Tiltify
1430. Tin Man
1433. Togetherall 2007
1434. Tommy’s
1435. Toodalu
1437. Torio
1439. Touchstone
1440. TournEase
1442. ToyAid
1447. Trainect
1449. Travani 2014
1455. Trinity Health 1978
1457. Tritab
1458. Triwey
1460. TRUmatch
1461. Tru Measure
1462. TrustedAd
1464. Tucasi Ltd.
1466. TWISPER 2017
1469. uBack
1470. UCharify
1471. UCOM
1472. Ufi
1473. UK-Med
1478. Unicarve
1488. Valatam
1490. Vaunte
1491. Veilet
1492. Vensette
1497. vHelp
1498. ViciNFT
1500. Videojuice
1501. VidFall.com
1502. Virtual Run
1504. Visioncon
1505. VisitPay 1
1506. Vivacom 1992
1507. Vivor
1508. VOLK PR
1509. Volojoy
1511. Vsourcing
1512. waja
1516. WaterAid
1517. WAY
1518. Web.net
1520. WebObits.com
1521. Weet Group
1526. Wellers Law
1529. WeThrive
1531. WHEDco.
1533. Whirly Golf
1536. Whizz-Kidz
1537. Whydonate
1539. WhyWaste 1
1540. Whyzz
1543. Wil-U
1545. Winztime
1547. Wishpoke
1548. Wizza Scam
1553. Work Avenue
1557. Wynbi
1560. YaOkey Inc
1562. Yee Hong
1564. yesHEis
1567. YMCA Norfolk
1571. Yomp
1572. Yoomee
1573. yoozap
1574. YouCan2
1575. YouGiveGoods
1579. YourBestPose
1582. ZanaAfrica 2008
1583. Zinc Arts
1584. ZipHub
1585. Zoocha
1587. Zuujit

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