1. (ISC)2
8. Addweup
10. Adlibrium
11. AdverPics
12. AdviceUK
21. Alice SI 2016
22. Allen & Company 1922
24. Altruist
25. Altruisto
35. Ami 2021
37. Amicus.io
38. AMNIe.org
39. Amuzed
43. AnniesBid
46. apjam ltd
50. ArtAID
55. Askfever
56. Asphaleia
60. ATG Media
61. Auriga 1
64. Ayedeals
67. Bain Capital 0
73. Beauteeze.com 2012
75. Beercoin
77. Benevity 2008
81. BetterFi
82. BetterNow
87. Bidaroo
88. Bidfella
89. BidKind
90. Bidsvilla
93. Biidly
94. BitRussia
99. BluBond
101. BoldLight
112. Browsarity
115. Bstow 2015
118. Budge
119. Buengo
120. BuffBoxx 2015
124. Buzzbnk
125. C2 Cyber 2015
127. cab:app
129. Cadooz
130. cafegive
135. Cardpool
137. CAREFY.ph
139. Caritas
144. Catamoeda
147. Causecast
149. Causeview
154. CentUp
155. CERF+
158. ChangeIt
159. Charicare
160. Charidy
161. Charis
163. Charitime
164. charitubl
165. Charitweet
170. Charity Bank 1
175. CharityClear 2010
176. CharityDEN
178. Charity Dynamics 2004
188. CharitySub
191. Chatraise 2017
193. Chennaimoms 2008
199. Chnge
202. Chronopay
204. Cirqle
205. Clef
206. Co-Labs
208. Coindrum
216. Connexions
219. Cosmosphere 0
229. CurveBlock 31
230. D&AD
231. Daffy 2020
234. Davos
243. Divvi
248. Dona8
249. Donaco 2017
250. Donapp
251. Donate-ng
252. Donatekart
253. DonateStock 1
259. Donordonut
260. DonorSee
262. DXBPay
263. Dympol
264. easy2care
266. Eclector
267. Ecomodo
270. Edeems
276. Ekacia
277. elefunds
278. Emcee
280. Empower 2013
281. Engiven
282. enods
283. Equalife
284. ERP Cloud
285. eSolidar
291. Evershare.io 2017
293. Fabrily
297. FanSnap
298. FanVestor
300. felloh
301. Few&Far
302. FHRC
307. FindBooks
308. FIRST 1989
309. fitRaise
313. Freeofme
315. Frommees
316. Fundzzle
318. FUTT
320. Galoo
321. Generous
326. Giftback
327. Giftloop
330. GiftSimple
331. Giggzo
332. GigMaven
335. Giva
336. Givar
337. give365
338. giveback 30
339. GiveGab
340. Givem
342. Giverly
343. giverr
344. GiverThree
346. Giving.sg
347. Giving365
348. Givinga 2015
349. GivingStreets 2017
350. Givium
351. givmo
352. GivnGo
353. GivTree
354. Glam-it!
359. Gogetsale
360. Gogoyoko
361. goimagine
362. Gold Cures
363. Goodeed
364. GoodLabs
365. GoodMoov
367. Goodpin
368. Goodsend
370. Goodshop
372. GoodtoGive
374. Goodworld 2014
375. GoRaise
377. GPal
385. GroopDoo
389. GVNG
390. GWD
397. HelloFund
403. Hucksley
404. Humble Pen
405. HYCM
408. iDonate
409. iGive
410. IhiveLive
411. ILWU
416. IMYNE
417. INAMO
418. Incahoot
420. INFiN
422. Innsbrook
429. ipledgefor
430. ISPCC
431. It's By U
433. IThanks
434. Itineris
435. ITS Group
442. Jong Rabo
443. Joodly.com
444. Ju-mo
446. jumblebee
448. JustFund
449. JustGiving
453. Kharity
454. Kickstart
455. Kid&Shirt
459. kixtand
460. KogoPAY 2018
461. Koinz
462. Kollektiva
465. Landour
468. LATF
470. Launch22
471. Lazy Angel
473. Leaf
474. Ledge 1
477. Letter
478. LifeLegacy 2020
480. Lightful
481. LilyDrive
483. Liven
484. LiveTree
489. LovingEco
490. LSTN
498. MBME
500. Meet
503. Melwood
513. MonExTel
515. Montfort 2014
520. Motherswork 1998
521. MotoTix
522. Mrked
525. MyBigGive
526. MyC4
529. MyNeighbor
536. NetGiver
544. Occam DM
546. Omaze
547. Onde Alte
550. Oogst
553. Orb Group
556. Oronjo
557. OSCR
559. OurGroup
560. Overflow
561. PAKT
564. PayGyft
565. Paysabil
566. PayTipTop
571. Peoplegogo 2017
572. PetSimply
573. Philafy
578. Pinnacle 1
579. pixbypix
580. PlayMob
585. Postr
586. Power2
589. Pricevibe
594. Publiq
595. PXtech
596. QiKfunder
597. Qmee
598. Qoin
600. Quantum CX
601. QuiznGifts 1
602. Raffle.It
603. RafflesNow
604. Raffstar
605. Rafful
607. RaiseNow
610. Recoup
612. redxam
615. Represent
617. Resupply
619. Ribon 5
621. Rikimu
622. Risus Wholesale 2009
624. ROBE Looks
628. RoundIt
633. Rusini
634. Safeserve
641. ScoopCity
645. Seek Me UK
646. Sellpy
648. Serendipity App 2020
649. SE Works
651. Shareity
654. Shopiago
662. SM Vint
663. SNJDC
665. SocialVest
667. Sockwork
669. SolarCoin 2014
671. Sonopia
674. Sow Asia
675. Sozo Gifts
676. Spiral 1
677. Sponduly
678. SQUA.RE 2008
679. Squidoo
681. SSAFA
687. Streeva 2015
689. Sunday 2018
690. Supernova 1
691. Supportly
694. Swipr
695. Swoup 26
697. TALA 1979
700. Teaming
727. The Rand Group 38353
734. Thinkmojo
735. Thriftify
737. Tiltify
740. Tin Man
745. Toodalu
746. TournEase
750. Tresaro
751. Troopto
753. TrustedAd
756. Udopt
762. UpLife
763. Urbanleaf
766. Vaunte
768. Veilet
772. vHelp
773. Videojuice
775. Vitarann
776. Vittana
777. Vivacom 1992
778. VOLK PR
781. Vsourcing
782. waja
784. Web.net
786. Weet Group
790. WeWIN
791. WHEDco.
795. Winztime
797. Wishpoke
798. Worldcoo 2012
801. YaOkey Inc
803. Yingo
804. Yoomee
805. yoozap
806. YouBeDo
807. YouCan2
810. Zakatify
812. ZipHub
813. Zomia
814. Zoocha
815. Zuujit

«Global Philanthropy and Impact Investing Ecosystem: Financial Inclusion and Business»

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