Brace McCoy
Brace McCoy has walked the halls of West Point, worn out jungle boots in the U. S. Army and toiled with the non-stop to-do lists of his own companies. He strives to serve in a simple, transparent manner for the good of those He encounter in a way that brings honor to Christ Jesus. Over the past 30 years he has had the privilege of experiencing and learning lessons from the challenges, victories and the defeats associated with military service and as a business owner. God has blessed him with a wonderful wife and three great kids that He get to enjoy every day. He urges you to understand that money by itself is a destructive goal, but that it will come as a result of your selfless service to others. By nature, he gravitates to what he considers a challenging, righteous objective. His ministry work within the Christian Church is in the middle of the brutal fight to retain our youth. Helping parents and pastors fight that fight is challenging and righteous.