Helge Munk

Helge Munk is a Candidate in Economics from University of Southern Denmark (HA) and Aarhus University (Cand. Merc. At Århus Handelshøjskole) Background from the IT Industry in Denmark, especially the Administrative ERP systems including: design, programming, development and project management. Sales activities and sales management in the ERP market including Microsoft AX, Dynamics, BI, Hardware and Project Management. IT consultant in a bigger Auditing Company, including establishing separate IT Consulting Company connected to the Auditing Company External Lector at University of Southern Denmark, teaching Administrative Systems in Business (5 Years) Establishing MUNK IT in August 1993 growing from three employees to 200+ in 2005 including a bigger Hosting Center in the building that earlier was part of the Danish National Bank. Munk IT was sold in 2005 and Munk Hosting was sold 2007. Munk Holding ApS is now the main company. The idea is to help and support smaller companies and entrepreneurs inside the knowledge based industries mainly IT to realize the projects and business concepts. The support includes consultancy, economical support, sales activities and board activities. The former Munk IT building is still owned by Ejendomsselskabet Munk ApS a. The building is the place where 10-15 startup businesses together with Munk Holding and 3 bigger companies has established a Start up Environment with great inspiration, sharing competences, cooperation on projects, coordination of marketing, mentor, administrative and social activities. Munk Holding is investing in knowledge based companies, especially IT companies. Member of the Board in at the time 12 companies, including media companies Specialties: Munk Holding is investing in knowledge based companies, especially IT companies.