Alejandro Molinas ஃ

Computer Programmer and Bachelor of Systems Analysis by the Polytechnic Faculty of the National University of Asunción with specializations and courses in prestigious Universities like Oxford, MIT, Harvard, and others in technology, education, aviation systems, and Space. He Studied Civil Aviation Administration at the Singapore Civil Aviation Academy, Master in Business Administration (MBA), is a Specialist in Higher Education, also Specialist in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. With more than 25 years of professional experience in the public and private sector, mainly in Technology, Innovation, Education, Civil Aviation, and Space, He served as IT Manager of the Civil Aviation Authority in Paraguay for more than ten years. Prof. Román was Academic Coordinator of the three careers of Computer and Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of the Integration of the Americas (UNIDA) for five years, Coordinator of the ICT Observatory of the Ministry of Technology of Paraguay. Elected Regional Contact Point for the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Member of the Spanish Network of Planetology and Astrobiology (REDESPA). Also Elected as Academician Full-Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Is also Member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) were actively participates in the Committees of Education and Outreach, Near-Earth Objects (NEO) and Developing and Emerging Countries. He is the Alternate Director for Paraguay and a Member of the Board of the Latin American and Caribbean Space Network (ReLaCa). Member of the Planetary Society, He has given conferences and talks at the national and international levels at several prestigious universities such as MIT, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan), and in Taiwan, France, Austria, England, Peru, Argentina, and others, with works presented at various international Congresses and Symposia. He has received several recognitions and awards, such as the Extraordinary Merit Award from the International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training (ICLPST) in Taiwan and the Partnership Award from the Pacific Disaster Center in Hawaii. He currently works as General Director of Execution and Aerospace Development of the Paraguayan Space Agency, and as an Undergraduate and Graduate Professor at the University of the Integration of the Americas - UNIDA.