Gary Fish

Gary Fish is a serial entrepreneur, investor, and a pioneer in cybersecurity. Gary currently serves as CEO of Fishtech, a company he founded in 2015. Gary previously founded and sold FishNet Security, the first security integrator in the world to reach 100mm in annual revenues. FishNet ultimately grew to 800mm in annual revenues before it was sold to private equity. Gary also founded FireMon, the first security software firm to address automated security device management . Since 1996, he has founded, acquired, and sold more than a dozen technology companies. Throughout his career, he has been recognized many times for his achievements in business and technology; to name a few he was named a technology entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, a Security Super Star by CRN, a Kansas City Top 100 Business Leader for four years running, a Distinguished Alumni by DeVry University, Henry W. Bloch School of Management Entrepreneur of the Year, and was inducted into the Kansas City Business Hall of Fame. Besides his strong business acumen, Mr. Fish is also known for his philanthropic work particularly in causes supporting children and animals. A graduate of DeVry University, he served in the United States Army National Guard.