Karen Champion

Karen Champion is an Equal Employment Specialist, counselor, teacher, mediator, veteran disability claims adjudicator, and former military radar operator and instructor, offering skill sets ideal for providing a variety of related services, or a blend of them! She also owns two small businesses, admittedly very different from one another!
She developed Home Champions, LLC as a way to buy and renovate homes, and has been working at this hobby for over 7 years. She created KChampionJewelry, LLC to sell his handmade jewelry and she uses it to teach people about his materials, products and processes. You may also occasionally find her at a handmade products trade show. She is equally passionate about both hobbies and love having outlets for creative energy!
She developed Home Champions, LLC as a way to buy and renovate homes, and has been working at this hobby for over 7 years. She created KChampionJewelry, LLC to sell his handmade jewelry and she uses it to teach people about his materials, products and processes. You may also occasionally find her at a handmade products trade show. She is equally passionate about both hobbies and love having outlets for creative energy!