Gary Kitmacher

Gary Kitmacher goal is positively influence next generation technologists. Experience: successfully influenced the design of spacecraft systems of the past 30 years. Successful, all phases human space flight: Apollo-Soyuz, Shuttle, Spacehab, Mir, ISS, lunar, planetary: concepts; requirements, contracts; safety; DDT&E; logistics, utilization. Leadership: international negotiations, program requirements, system design, safety. Led negotiation, implementation, evaluation of US/Russian requirements, processes for management of the NASA-Mir Program, led groups of international, government, contract workers to Moscow, Baikonur, Star City, Noordveig, Montreal and US. Led negotiation Space Station Man-Systems defining the configuration of the station modules, nodes, cupola, and international interfaces. Chaired the ISS Hardware Acceptance Review Panel, defining requirements for government procurement of the prime ISS end items. Strengths: spacecraft design & design management: International Space Station cupola, modules, nodes, standard racks, interior architecture -Mir Orbital Station Priroda lab module interior architecture, project manager for mechanical, electrical, data and space vehicle logistics systems(CTBs), Crew On-Orbit Support Computer System(COSS) -Spacehab Module, payload design, integration and safety management -Payload/science integration, crew equipment, stowage, configuration management; Skylab, Shuttle, Spacehab, Mir -Exploration Initiative: Moon and Mars habitat design. Chaired the ISS Communications, Education and Outreach Working Group.