Craig Covault

Craig Covault has written over 3,500 articles on space and aeronautics during a 42+ year career at Aviation Week & Space Technology, Aerospace America and
As Space Technology Editor at AW&ST, he filed stories from 20 countries and wrote most extensively on space from Russia, China and Japan, as well as Europe. He was AW&ST Paris Bureau Chief 1992-1996. After returning to the US from Europe he was Bureau Chief and Senior Editor at Cape Canaveral, FL and remained there until 2009 when the bureau was closed due to the recession.
He currently covers the Mars Science Laboratory at “CuriousMars” his exclusive weekly technology news report at Covault is also a Contributing Writer for AEROSPACE AMERICA, a publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as for Space Quarterly - A Magazine Covering Commercial Space, Space Policy, Military Space & Other Timely Topics for
As Space Technology Editor at AW&ST, he filed stories from 20 countries and wrote most extensively on space from Russia, China and Japan, as well as Europe. He was AW&ST Paris Bureau Chief 1992-1996. After returning to the US from Europe he was Bureau Chief and Senior Editor at Cape Canaveral, FL and remained there until 2009 when the bureau was closed due to the recession.
He currently covers the Mars Science Laboratory at “CuriousMars” his exclusive weekly technology news report at Covault is also a Contributing Writer for AEROSPACE AMERICA, a publication of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics as well as for Space Quarterly - A Magazine Covering Commercial Space, Space Policy, Military Space & Other Timely Topics for