Alexandru Floares
Alexandru Floares is a neurologist (M.D.) having a Ph.D. degree in biophysics and a computer scientist. He was the head and founder of the Artificial Intelligence Department of the Cancer Institute Cluj-Napoca, Transilvania, Romania. He is the president and founder of SAIA and OncoPredict a biomedical informatics company. He coordinates research projects on gene regulatory networks (GRN), brain neural networks, metabolic and signaling pathways, tumor vascular networks, cancer genomics and proteomics, and on intelligent clinical decision support systems (i-CDSS) for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment optimization, promoting Precision and Personalized Medicine.
He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Computational intelligence in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Conference and of the Expert Network HCI-KDD. He is the recipient of the Honorary Doctor title of The Yorker International University and other awards, and member of IEEE Society and New York Academy of Science.
He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Computational intelligence in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Conference and of the Expert Network HCI-KDD. He is the recipient of the Honorary Doctor title of The Yorker International University and other awards, and member of IEEE Society and New York Academy of Science.