Anja Kaspersen

Anya Kaspersen is a strategy professional, geopolitics and international security expert and practitioner. Her former positions include a career with the Norwegian Government and the UN (peacekeeping), research and academia, serving in different capacities in the private sector and for various multilateral organizations in the field and at headquarters. She joined the the World Economic Forum in 2014, spearheading the Forum’s work on geopolitics and international security and how to catalyse responses to global, regional and industry challenges. She has published widely on geopolitics, international security affairs and global governance issues. Regular commentator and lecturer. Visiting Scholar, Law of Armed Conflict, Harvard University. Bachelor’s in Strategic Studies, International Law, South East Asia, International Business and Anthropology, University of Oslo/University of Indonesia and London School of Economics; MSc in International Politics, International Security and International Law, University of Copenhagen (China) and London School of Economics and Political Science.