Dagmar Monett

Prof Dr Dagmar Monett is full Professor of Computer Science at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, HWR Berlin; Co-Founder of the AGI Sentinel Initiative, AGISI.org; an artificial intelligence (AI) expert at Ms.AI, ‘Artificial Intelligence for and with Women’; and Co-Director of the Competence Center Digitalization at the HWR Berlin. She has over 30 years of research and teaching experience in different countries. Her current research fields include AI, robotics, software engineering methods and techniques, and computer science education. Her most recent work focuses on intelligence research, particularly on defining and understanding both (machine) intelligence and its boundaries. Her previous scientific work addresses distributed AI, agents and multiagent systems, automatic differentiation, optimization and socionics. She has a BSc in Mathematical Cybernetics and an MSc in Computer Science from Havana University, and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Humboldt University of Berlin.
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