Berndt Müller

Bertie Müller has a strong background in mathematical modelling of concurrent and distributed systems. He has further developed semantics and verification techniques for high-level Petri nets, specifically those following the nets-within-nets paradigm. Currently, he is working on AI technology for applications in the smart-home domain and in healthcare. Another focal area of Bertie’s research is the incorporation of resource and location concepts into verification techniques (such as model checking and formal proof) for agents and multi-agent systems.
Bertie is chair of the world’s oldest AI society, the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) and Associate Editor of the international journal Connection Science published by Taylor and Francis.
Bertie is chair of the world’s oldest AI society, the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) and Associate Editor of the international journal Connection Science published by Taylor and Francis.