Alan Wilson

Sir Alan Wilson is Chief Executive of the Alan Turing Institute and Professor of Urban and Regional Systems in the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis. He is Chair of the Home Office Science Advisory Council and was chair of the Lead Expert Group for the Government Office for Science Foresight Project on The Future of Cities.
Sir Alan Wilson has previously been Director-General for Higher Education in the then Department for Education and Skills and from 2007-2013 he was Chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Council. He was responsible for the introduction of a number of model building techniques which are now in common use internationally. His current research is on the evolution of cities and the dynamics of global trade, migration, security and development aid.
Sir Alan Wilson has previously been Director-General for Higher Education in the then Department for Education and Skills and from 2007-2013 he was Chair of the Arts and Humanities Research Council. He was responsible for the introduction of a number of model building techniques which are now in common use internationally. His current research is on the evolution of cities and the dynamics of global trade, migration, security and development aid.