h4 TALENT CRM Company

h4 TALENT CRM - Next Generation Cloud based SaaS Product to Enhance Human Capital Productivity. h4 TALENT CRM is a SaaS application to enhance employee engagement and Talent ROI powered by Assessment Platform, LMS, Mail/SMS/Call/Video, Real Time Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. h4 TALENT CRM modules are Employer Branding & Sourcing Budgeting & Compensation Assessment & Recruitment Onboard and UpSkill Training Performance Appraisal Survey Bot h4 TALENT CRM has integrations with IBM Watson, AWS , Phone/sms, Mail, Video Conferencing, h4 e- Learning Content. h4 TALENT CRM provides Services like- Corporate Training, Assessment & Hiring, Freelance Consultant Hiring, Product Customisation, Content Development.
Artificial Intelligence, CRM, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology, Marketing, Robotics, Software
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