IDB Lab Hubs

GovTech Lab is a central location for those interested in the interface between emerging digital technologies and government. The purpose of GovTech Lab is to facilitate the discussion, adoption and exploration of new digital technologies – AI, Internet of Things, Big Data, Blockchain – with the view to support the adoption of these technologies in the public sector. To realise this aim, GovTech Lab platforms three functions: the first is our Knowledge Transfer Consortium, which is a forum/discussion that brings together all of the relevant stakeholders, namely government, academia, business and industry. The second is our Education and Training. Here we provide a central hub for educating, as well as enhancing knowledge, for those who are interacting with the emerging new technologies. The third is our Research and Development platform. Here the up-to-date activities of the GovTech network – comprised of leading UK academic research groups, and professional experts from government and industry – is showcased.