BOOM imagestudio Company

In the age where visuals are key, BOOM stands as a technology company aiming to provide professional visual contents worldwide with the best photographers on site. From booking to delivery, our services, address the needs of the online markets, helping companies sell more with inspiring realistic photographs. We believe that the only way to deliver a higher quality product is to blend perfectly human abilities with the power of technologies. We are gathering a vibrant Collective of professional photographers all around the world, with the right attitude, equipment and the same vision. And That's why we’re also working on innovative visual solutions using artificial intelligence in imaging. Based on recent advances in machine learning research our A.I. editing software understands, transforms and enhances every pixel within seconds mirroring the processes that occur in our brain. We chose to dedicate our lives to legitimate a united photographic movement. We are here to turn any challenges into new opportunities and possibilities for the online markets in a way that has never been done before. Founded in 2018, the company is headquartered in Milan, Italy.
Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Photography
Industry: Entertainment
Headquarters: Italy
Founded Date: 2018
Funding Status: Seed

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