BoostIT Company

We do not provide just services and products to our customers, we offer a full experience, because our main goal is to have satisfied customers, having a great cooperation and a close friendship. That’s our mission ! BoostIT HUB main specialities are: - Business Process Outsourcing - DataBase Mining - Systems of integration for API - IT Development - Support We use Agile Software development methodology such as Scrum and Kanban that offers to the customer the opportunity to be part of our team, having access to all activities undertaken into the project. So we offer them advice, help them choose the best solution to deploy and give support after deployment. Our company offers transparency and honesty trying to develop a strong relationship with our clients. We trust and strive for win-win situation and all of these because we want happy customers, which make us a happy and motivated company. You have the power to assign us to accelerate company’s IT processes. We have the tools, we have the knowledge and the process, we are the BOOST of your business! Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success!
Technology: Consulting, Information Technology, Legal, Robotics, Software
Industry: Consulting & Outsourcing
Headquarters: Romania
Founded Date: 2014
Funding Status: Undisclosed

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