Volunteer Edinburgh (UK) NGOs
Our Mission is Simple:
Our mission is to inspire more people to volunteer so they can enhance their lives, the lives of others and build resilient communities.
Our Values:
Everyone has the right to offer their time to volunteer.
Every volunteer has the right to have a great volunteering experience.
Volunteering is always a matter of free choice.
Volunteers must never be a direct replacement for paid workers.
True volunteering is for the benefit of the social community, the individual and Volunteer Involving Organisations.
We believe that involving volunteers enhances organisations.
Our Strategic Outcomes (What We Aim to Do to Meet Our Mission)
We inspire and enable people to volunteer.
We ensure that every volunteer involving organisation is able to offer an excellent volunteering experience.
Using our expert knowledge we inform, educate and inspire our leaders on the benefits of volunteering for Edinburgh and its citizens.
We inspire the development of volunteering opportunities which bring benefit to the community and enhance social capital.
As an agency we are effective, well governed and managed and a great place to work or volunteer.
Volunteer Centre Edinburgh is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is Registered in Scotland No. SC202631 and a Registered Scottish Charity SCO29681.
Our Quality Standards:
Investors in Volunteers
We are currently Investors in Volunteers accredited.
European Framework for Quality Management
We are currently EFQM members.
Our mission is to inspire more people to volunteer so they can enhance their lives, the lives of others and build resilient communities.
Our Values:
Everyone has the right to offer their time to volunteer.
Every volunteer has the right to have a great volunteering experience.
Volunteering is always a matter of free choice.
Volunteers must never be a direct replacement for paid workers.
True volunteering is for the benefit of the social community, the individual and Volunteer Involving Organisations.
We believe that involving volunteers enhances organisations.
Our Strategic Outcomes (What We Aim to Do to Meet Our Mission)
We inspire and enable people to volunteer.
We ensure that every volunteer involving organisation is able to offer an excellent volunteering experience.
Using our expert knowledge we inform, educate and inspire our leaders on the benefits of volunteering for Edinburgh and its citizens.
We inspire the development of volunteering opportunities which bring benefit to the community and enhance social capital.
As an agency we are effective, well governed and managed and a great place to work or volunteer.
Volunteer Centre Edinburgh is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is Registered in Scotland No. SC202631 and a Registered Scottish Charity SCO29681.
Our Quality Standards:
Investors in Volunteers
We are currently Investors in Volunteers accredited.
European Framework for Quality Management
We are currently EFQM members.