The Friends of The Gambia Association CIO NGOs

The Friends of The Gambia Association CIO is a UK based charity sponsoring childrens' Education, Building Schools and small Medical facilities, in The Gambia, West Africa. The Friends of The Gambia Association (FoTGA) was formed by a group of people who had visited The Gambia in 1990. It became a UK Registered Charity in 1995 and in 2000 obtained NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) status in The Gambia. In 2018 the Charity Commission conferred on us the status of a CIO: Charitable Incorporated Organisation. This gives us a legal personality and gives members limited liability. We, the Trustees, are all unpaid volunteers and manage the charity from the UK. Day to day business in The Gambia is taken care of by our permanent office team of three Gambian staff and by UK Trustees during their own holidays. The Trustees meet monthly by video conference. The AGM is normally held in June and is open to all members and sponsors. We spend most money and time To Advance Education After that we try, through the projects To Alleviate Pain and Suffering And finally we try, through direct help To Relieve Poverty.