The Akshaya Patra Foundation UK NGOs

The Akshaya Patra Foundation strives to tackle the issues of classroom hunger and educational access in India & the UK by providing free freshly cooked, nourishing school meals schools. We aim to fight malnutrition and increase the enrolment of children in schools in India where we feed over 1.8 MILLION CHILDREN DAILY. TAPF UK fundraises to support the work that is done in India but also to support the local community by feeding homeless people in London and addressing holiday hunger among children. Since 2000, TAPF India has been directing its efforts towards providing fresh and nutritious hot meals to children on every single school day. We are continuously leveraging technology to multiply our reach. We use state-of-the-art kitchens which have become a subject of study and have attracted curious visitors from around the world. By feeding children one wholesome meal a day, they are given the nourishment and motivation they need to pursue an education for a better future. It is our endeavour to reach out to every child at the grass-roots level of society.