Suffolk Punch Trust (UK) NGOs
The Suffolk Punch Trust is a charity dedicated to preserving the Suffolk Punch heavy horse breed together with the skills of people of the people needed to handle these wonderful horses. With the historic Colony Suffolk Punch Stud the Trust has inherited a rich legacy of social and rural history that deserves to be saved for future generations to enjoy. The team of staff and volunteers endeavor to achieve the charitable aims of the Trust which is to:- protect the future of the endangered Suffolk Punch breed;- safeguard Suffolk's unique rural history; - conserve native plants and animal breeds;- offer educational opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds;- provide a beautiful open save on the Suffolk coast for everyone to enjoy. Facilities include:- Modern Visitor Centre, Cafe, Working horse training, demonstrations, Pets Paddock, Activity playground, Museum of Suffolk farming life, Collection of horse drawn wagons & agricultural tools, Heritage Garden stocked exclusively with horticultural varieties of plants and shrubs developed in Suffolk.