Spiral Wave Radio (UK) NGOs

A big hello and hearty welcome to Spiral Wave Radio. We’re a vibrant Brighton media centre for and run by adults with learning difficulties. We have a splendidly wide range of creative activities going on here, from TV and film to radio and live performance to music production and acting classes, engaging both the skills of performing participants and expert volunteer support.

As part of activities charity Spiral Sussex we welcome all contributions to our performance schedules, so if you’re a participant looking to make your own radio show, play and produce music or get into acting and directing by creating videos, give us a ring or come and say hello.

Alternatively, if you are musician, actor, film-maker, producer or media tech savvy already and would like to volunteer your skills please get in touch, we have all the industry standard broadcast facilities to challenge your abilities, keep you practicing and help raise your technical prowess.
Industry: Healthcare and Support

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