Sky Sharma Foundation NGOs

Sky Sharma Foundation (SSF) is a Non-Government Organisation founded by Mr Dinesh Kumar and Mrs Neelam Sharma on 29th September 2015. This organisation is formed in loving memory of their beloved son Akash (Sky) Sharma who passed away on 28-09-15. The grave loss of their only son led the grieving parents and family members to start this organisation with a view to help others in need. Sky’s defined quality in his 21 years of age consisted of helping and providing support to individuals in need; whether it be emotional, physical or financial. He was always optimistic about being able to comfort people in their time of need; this bought him immense joy by way of which SKY touched lives of many. When helping, Sky would never differentiate between people and saw everyone as equal, not giving importance to race or religions but to Humanity, as he would often quote “my religion is HUMAN”. This charity looks to take forward what Sky had initiated and to help in bettering lives of people regardless of age, ethnicity, and gender. Our Moto is to help and assist deprived individuals who are suffering physically, mentally and support groups and so on. Sky (Akash) is the foundation for this charity and we aim to continue his legacy by establishing Sky Sharma Foundation (SSF) and taking it forward by helping people all around the UK.
Industry: Healthcare and Support

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