National Gulf Veterans and Families Association NGOs
The National Gulf Veterans and Families Association (NGVFA) was established as a registered charity in March 1999. After returning from Gulf War 1 (90-91), service personnel developed illnesses and could not understand why. Many told their stories in local and national newspapers, and began to realise how wide-spread and common the problems were amongst Gulf Veterans. Responding to this need the NGVFA was established and set up to run from its base in Kingston Upon Hull. Over subsequent years, as further desert conflicts took place the availability and scope of the charities' services expanded to cover Veterans of Gulf 2 (Iraq 03-09) and Afghanistan (01-14). A Board of Trustees, which includes Veterans, help ensure that Veterans of desert conflicts and their families, partners and carers are at the heart of all we do. Day to day management and administration is undertaken by a small team of staff and a small number of dedicated volunteers. Thousands of service personnel were deployed in both the Gulf Conflicts with many more in the current ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Many returning home develop health or social problems, requiring support from the NGVFA.