Motivation UK NGOs

Over a billion people in the world today have some form of disability. 80% of these people live in the developing world. We believe in helping to create a world where all disabled people are included and fully participate in every aspect of life. Wheelchairs are at the heart of our work – but not just any wheelchair. We believe passionately in providing the right wheelchair, in the right way. That means our wheelchairs are designed to deal with potholed roads, rough terrain and rural environments found in developing countries. At the same time we promote the importance of making sure that each wheelchair is individually fitted by a trained professional to World Health Organization standards. And this is just the start. To really put the wheels in motion, we work with partners and volunteers to make sure disabled people have support and training to be healthy, confident and included in society. They’re not the only ones to benefit: families, communities, even economies feel the positive change.
Industry: Healthcare and Support

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