Chernobyl Children's Lifeline NGOs
The Charity was formed in 1992. Our mission statement is: “Helping the children and families of Belarus and Ukraine suffering from the after-effects of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 and the ongoing adverse economic situation”. All of CCLL’s work is relative to the after effects of the Chernobyl Disaster which incorporates the countries of Belarus and Ukraine. There are only 3 paid members of staff and over 2,700 volunteers involved across the UK. We aim to give everyone an opportunity to be part of our team and know where and how to donations are spent. We are not receiving any government grants and rely on donations from kind public. The charity brought over 56,000 children to the UK so far for health recuperative visits with UK volunteer shot families. A large number of community development, medical, welfare and other type of projects were delivered in Belarus and Ukraine helping children's cancer units, children’s orphanages, social shelters, centers for children with special needs and many other.