Alternatives to Violence Project Britain NGOs
AVP Britain is a registered national charity, which delivers low cost workshops for people who want to learn how to manage anger, handle conflict, and build better relationships with others. The workshops use group exercises, activities and discussions to explore non-violent ways of working with conflict. They are facilitated by trained volunteers, who work to develop and strengthen a variety of skills. These include, problem solving and conflict resolution, listening and communication skills, self-esteem and affirmation, trust of self and others, self-awareness and empowerment, awareness of personal choice and responsibility. In Britain, AVP workshops are delivered in several different settings, including prisons, in partnership with other organisations, and in the community at large. Whilst the setting, format, and background of participants might vary, the workshop aims remain the same. We receive referrals from various agencies, including Social Services, Cafcass and MIND. For inmates who are unable to access our workshops in prison we offer ‘Facing Up to Conflict’, a six-week distance learning programme that is available entirely free of charge.